The LaserSpeed has one laser diode source but it is split into two beams
that exit the gauge aperture at an angle.
The two beams converge and overlap at the
standoff distance.The distance from the front of the gauge to the center of the depth of field
The overlap region is called the
depth of field.The vertical measurement region of the gauge. Measurements can be taken within this region
The fringe patterns are generated by the two laser beams exiting the LaserSpeed.
If you take two coherent light sources that are the same wavelength
and cross their paths at an angle, a fringe pattern is generated.
As the waves of light cross each other, the peaks line up to create
a light stripe. As they continue to cross, the peaks and troughs line up to cancel each other out. This
pattern repeats throughout the
depth of field.The vertical measurement region of the gauge. Measurements can be taken within this region
The formulas to the right show the mathematics behind the measurement principle.
'd' is the fringe spacing. 'f' is the frequency, which is determined by
scattering As a particle on the surface moves through
the light and dark stripes of the fringe pattern, a time varying signal is generated and
read by the LaserSpeed
of light from the measurement surface. Since 't' (time) is the inverse of frequency,
we have the two parameters to calculate velocity, 'v'.
計算式を記憶する必要はありませんが、フリンジ(間隔)距離'd'は波長、ビーム角度により決まります。 更に、これらの2つのパラメータを制御し、一定に保つ事ができます。 これにより、フリンジ間隔'd' は不変に保たれます。
主要インターフェースはパルス出力です。 レーザースピードプロは単位長さ当りのパルス数を任意に設定できます(分解能)。一度設定すれば、速度に応じたパルスを出力します。
This is called
Quadrature x1 mode -
The counter adds 1 count after A then B goes high
Quadrature x2 mode -
The counter adds 1 for each falling edge of A and B
Quadrature x4 mode -
The counting devices adds 1 for each rising and falling edge of A and B
counting. Two channels, A and B, generate pulses 90 degrees out of phase.
If A leads B, then the direction is positive. If B leads A, then the direction is negative.
Both True and False signals are generated for added noise immunity.