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Jay Luis
Marketing Manager
Beta LaserMike Inc.
8001 Technology Blvd.
Dayton, OH 45424

Join this live Beta LaserMike webinar to learn about the advantages of non-contact, laser-based technology for measuring product length and speed in converting operations

Overview: Global competition is fierce and it's placing increasing market demands on converters to optimize productivity, improve quality control, and reduce waste to remain economically competitive. A main driver to achieving this goal is the ability for manufacturers to accurately measure the length and speed of materials being produced.

Join Stuart Manser, Solutions Development Manager for Beta LaserMike, as he explains how the LaserSpeed non-contact encoder is helping converters worldwide to precisely control the length and speed of their products during production, so they produce higher-quality converted goods more profitably that meet exact customer specifications.

Register today for Beta LaserMike’s webinar. During this 30-minute Webinar, you'll learn:
• Why tachometers and mechanical-based contact encoders are an inaccurate method for measuring length and speed
• How LaserSpeed non-contact, laser measurement works
• How LaserSpeed is being used in manufacturing applications, such as measuring continuous product length and speed, controlling cutting systems, differential product speed, and product positioning
• How you can minimize product waste and eliminate product give-away and shortages to customers
• How LaserSpeed will give you a fast return-on-investment by measuring length and speed more accurately

Join us for "Only the Accurate Survive: Understanding Non-Contact, Laser-Based Technology for Measuring Product Length and Speed" on Wednesday, May 25 at 10:00 am EDT/4:00 pm CET and 2:00 pm EDT/8:00 pm CET.

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